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  1. 东京奥运会女篮比赛观后感日记3篇
  2. 2021年东京奥运会观后感英语作文【三篇】
  3. 东京奥运会举重比赛观后感日记大全
  4. 2021东京奥运会观后感英语作文



虽然我的年纪小,可也是一个篮球迷。东京奥运会篮球比赛已经进行到第三天了,中国女篮才让世人看到这届gj队的实力,千呼万唤始出来,向全世界展示了她们的靓丽风采。对中国女篮无比喜爱的我,早就按捺不住激动的心情,坐在电视机旁等候着比赛的开始。   大战一触即发,这一场是中国女篮对阵波多黎各代表队。中国女篮参加比赛的运动员们,个个脱掉了外套,精神抖擞,摩拳擦掌,准备打一场漂亮的篮球赛。嘹亮的国歌声响起,为中国姑娘们发起了战斗的号角。








今天看了中国女篮奥运比赛,想起来自己小学时被选入校队打篮球,教练让我当队长,老妈坚持让我退 队,印象里好像很酷的女教练还给我还是我妈写了封信,内容忘了。   上了初中,胳膊长又被教练斟酌选入排球队还是投掷队,后来入了投掷队,标枪可以扔个全校比赛第二那种吧,结果初二又被教练拉去篮球队,和老妈保证不会影响学习,才同意让我进校队训练。






奥运会从7月23日开幕式开始,就深得世界网友关注,毕竟这届奥运会等了5年之久,许多运动员厉兵秣马,背水一战,就是为了在奥运会上一展风姿,为国争光!许多国人自然是更加关心中国运动员情况。我作为一个体育爱好者,自然也来观看。至于项目嘛,我是来者不拒。   昨天晚饭时,我打开电视从体育频道中找到奥运赛事观看,刚好播到跆拳道铜牌争夺赛,双方分别是中国的旗手赵帅与韩国的李大勋,经过几番较量,与分值上的追逐,赵帅稳得铜牌,看得我激情澎湃!






【 #英语资源# 导语】 奥林匹克运动会是国际奥林匹克委员会主办的世界规模的综合性运动会,每四年一届,会期不超过16日,是世界上影响力的体育盛会。 为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。 1.2021年东京奥运会观后感英语作文

the olympic games, fully known as the olympic games, originated in ancient greece more than 2000 years ago and got its name because it was held in olympia. at the olympic games, countries use sports to exchange cultures and exchange sports skills. the purpose is to encourage people to continue sports.

the olympic games are held every four years. the tokyo olympic games, which should have been held in 2020, came late because of the epidemic and didn't meet us until the night before yesterday. at the opening ceremony, when the chinese delegation appeared, the bright red five-star red flag and the athletes with more than 400 people made people excited and proud.

china's "first gold" was won by yang qian. in our understanding, whether he was admitted to the university or won the gold medal in the olympic games, it can basically be arbitrarily said that he had a more successful life. and yang qian did both. it is not easy to stand out all over the world and win the olympic champion. at the same time, he can take into account his studies. he has made achievements in both aspects, which shows that he has mastered a learning method suitable for himself. this is what we should learn from it.

when the second gold medal was won, the whole family sat in front of the tv and cheered. this game was against our stereotype. hou zhihui lifted twice her weight, surpassed all the players and won the championship.

so far, china has won hardware, one silver and three bronze, ranking first in the medal list. for us, this may only be a series of proud figures, but for athletes, it is the result of years of pain and sweat, which is hard won. they gallop on the field and inspire us with struggle: exercise hard and surpass ourselves.

there are more than 10000 athletes participating in the olympic games. there is no doubt that a large number of athletes will not win medals. even so, they are rare in various countries. they have also made a lot of efforts and deserve our study and respect.

i wish the olympic athletes a great success in the tokyo olympic games!


on this drizzly day, i waited in front of the tv and watched the tokyo olympic games.

i think the chinese team will win more gold medals, because the birth of the first gold medal in the tokyo olympic games has given me great confidence and expectation. yang qian, the xueba of tsinghua university, won the first gold medal of the olympic games with stable play, making a good start for china's olympic athletes.

in the women's 49kg weightlifting competition, all the foreign players were strong. i was really worried about hou zhihui when i saw her weak body. however, during the course of the game, her performance dispelled my doubts. her overbearing roar gives people a feeling of momentum. when others lift 60kg, she lifts 75kg. she always presses her opponent. it's really enjoyable. finally, she won the olympic gold medal by an absolute advantage. i gave her a big compliment in front of the tv!

the olympic games are like this, with the joy of success and the regret of defeat.

china's "xinwen network" combination tasted the taste of defeat today. table tennis is the absolute king for chinese people. however, it was in everyone's expectation that our sure gold medal was accidentally won by the japanese players. i was very sad sitting in front of the tv. after the competition, liu shiwen left sad tears in an interview with reporters. she cried and said, "i'm sorry for the motherland"! i was sad tiktok with her. tens of thousands of china's audience left unpleasant tears. more viewers sent micro-blog and jakes. they used their own way to cheer liu shiwen up, comfort her not to be sad, and do her best, silver medal is also a great achievement.


ecently, the tokyo olympic games are in full swing. the chinese team worked hard on the field to win glory for the country. they watered the beginning of their dream with sweat and guarded the glory of the country with tenacity.

"the original heart does not change" is tenacity. in the weightlifting field of the tokyo olympic games, an "explosive head" attracted everyone's attention. hou zhihui, a weightlifter from china, came to the stage, grabbed the barbell, inhaled, snatched, clean and jerk, success! six barbells were lifted at one go, all of them were successful, and won a gold medal for the chinese delegation. as everyone knows, there are many hardships behind success. in the 2016 olympic games five years ago, she was very sad that she was replaced due to injury, but the "little monkey" did not give up. during the five-year preparation time, she guarded the original intention of winning the championship with tenacious and strong tenacity. she persisted in training every day for five years and finally became the last king in the olympic field. young party members should learn from her tenacity and perseverance and establish the ability to persist and never give up. in this way, they can be handy and comfortable in the face of difficulties and setbacks in their work.

"indomitable" is tenacity“ young general yang qian won the first gold medal for the chinese delegation when she participated in the olympic games for the first time. in the final competition, yang qian, who was still behind, showed stability beyond her age and ended the game with one shot. this is not a kind of tenacity! during the competition, the results change rapidly, and a steady state of mind is very important. many athletes play abnormally or even give up the competition because of the collapse of state of mind. it can be seen that they have a steady state of mind. young party members and cadres should especially learn from this steady attitude. being flexible and innovative is the excellent characteristic of young party members and cadres, and being impatient and not down-to-earth is also the characteristic of young party members. how to be down-to-earth and stable and maintain a good attitude is one of the indispensable topics for young party members and cadres.

behind the "olympics" is tenacity. in fact, during the olympic games, not only the chinese delegation, but also many olympic athletes worked hard. their fighting spirit and tenacity are moving. in the women's 55kg weightlifting final, filipino veteran diaz finally broke through himself and refreshed his highest score of 6kg. on the field, he turned red and bit his teeth. what he raised was not a simple barbell, but the final thanks for participating in the four olympic games. the tenacity of olympic athletes is very worthy of learning and reference by party members. the boring training day after day is a kind of tenacity, the steady mentality on the field is a kind of tenacity, and always having an olympic heart is also a kind of tenacity. as a vanguard, communist party members need to learn tough character from the olympic games, adhere to it from their daily study and work, and maintain tenacity in case of difficulties and setbacks.




刚开始谌利军抓举发挥失误与对手差了6公斤,我的心情瞬间变得失望起来。不料雪上加霜的是,挺举的时候那位第一名发挥超高水平又把180公斤举了起来,谌利军只有把重量调到187公斤才有赢的机会,我真是为他捏了把汗。中国队,加油!不到最后一刻绝不服输!我心中默念着。这时候谌利军上场了,我的心提到嗓子眼期待他的绝地反击。只见他双手紧握杠铃,把牙咬得紧紧的,眼睛瞪得圆圆的,脸也憋得通红,像发怒的狮子一样大吼一声稳稳地将杠铃举过头顶。赛场上沸腾了,全国沸腾了,我的心也沸腾了,他赢了,他赢了!我激动地尖叫着,欢呼着。其实,在我们平时的生活学习中也经常会遇到各种各样的挫折,谌利军泰山压顶而不乱,不到最后一刻永不放弃的精神深深感动了我。   比赛结束后,五星红旗在国歌声中冉冉升起,谌利军站在领奖台上可神气了,这场比赛也让我感受到了更快更高更强的奥运精神,希望中国健儿能满载而归。


我很喜欢看各种体育比赛,碰到奥运会,更要一饱眼福。   今天中午看了女子49公斤级举重决赛。中国队的选手侯志慧发挥稳定,6次都举起来了杠铃,虽然稳稳获胜,但是每次看她举杠铃,还是心里替她捏了一把汗,当她举起的片刻,忍不住为她欢呼喝彩。






奥运会每四年一届,原应在2020年举办的东京奥运会,因为疫情而姗姗来迟,直到前晚才与我们相见。开幕式上,当中国代表团出场时,那鲜红的五星红旗,那高达四百多人的运动健将,都无不令人热血沸腾,为之自豪。   我国的首金是由杨倩夺得的。在我们的认识中,无论是考上大学,还是奥运得金,基本上可以武断的说他有了一个较为成功的人生。而杨倩,这两个都做到了。能够在全世界脱颖而出,获得奥运冠军已实属不易,同时又能兼顾起学业,在两个方面上都有所成就,说明其掌握了一种适合自己的学习方法。这也是我们要从中学习的。






【 #英语资源# 导语】2021年7月23日,东京奥运会开幕式将在东京奥林匹克体育场举行。由于参加开幕式的运动员需要保持社交距离,增加了入场的时间,原计划在7月23日晚8点到11点举行的开幕式,将延长到11点半结束。 为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。


the olympic games is a well-known large-scale and popular activity. since the birth of the modern olympic movement more than 100 years ago, the olympic games have continued, and the olympic spirit has spread to this day, just like the flame of the olympic flame burning and growing, and the world also exudes the fragrance of struggle. this time, my ideological theme is only 16 words: "surpass yourself, pursue excellence, strive hard and move towards success."

betty robinson competed for the first time four months before the 1928 olympic games. she set a world record of 100 meters in her first outdoor competition. it was in 1928 that the 100 meter race became the first women's track event in the history of the olympic games. robinson won the finals by half a meter, and that was only her fourth competition. she also got a $4 × experience of silver medal in 100m relay. three years later, robinson was seriously injured in a plane crash. the first person who found her thought she was dead, put her in the trunk of the car and sent her directly to the funeral home. for seven weeks, robinson was in a coma; for the next two years, she couldn't walk normally... but she survived. robinson still wanted to return to the sprint field, but her knees could no longer be completely bent, so she could no longer take the squatting starting position. but she can run the relay! in 1936, betty robinson served as the fourth president of the united states × a member of the 100 meter relay team won her second olympic gold medal.

however, not every olympic athlete can win a medal. in the history of the olympic games, we see not only the flash of gold medals, but also the olympic spirit of surpassing ourselves and pursuing excellence: akwali, the tanzanian marathon runner, spent three and a half hours when he ran across the finish line last with pain. in their hearts, the honor of the motherland is above all else. with their own practical actions, they have made people more deeply understand what is the olympic spirit and what is surpassing themselves and pursuing excellence! several real and moving examples demonstrate my point of view. the olympic spirit is really great! he makes people full of fighting spirit and vitality. however, although not an athlete, but has the same olympic spirit, then china is the most typical example. it is the common aspiration of the people of all ethnic groups in china that beijing can host the 2008 olympic games. over the past 20 years of reform and opening up, china's economic development and social progress have made rapid progress, which has attracted the attention of the world. beijing, a world-famous historical and cultural city, is also striding forward to an international metropolis. we have made great progress in municipal construction, environmental protection, sports venues and facilities, and have sufficient ability and experience to organize large-scale international activities and sports events. at the same time, the conditions for hosting the olympic games are more mature.

it is gratifying that over the past 50 years since the founding of new china, china's sports have grown from weak to strong, won 1317 world champions and exceeded the world record 1026 times. it has successfully held a series of important international sports events such as the 11th asian games. the outstanding contributions made by the chinese people and athletes to the modern olympic movement have won the respect of the world. let the world know china and let the world know beijing. the process of hosting the olympic games is also a good opportunity to show china's achievements in reform and opening up and beijing's style. if beijing can perfectly host the 2008 olympic games, it will be of positive significance to promote exchanges and cooperation between china and the world, accelerate the pace of opening to the outside world, promote economic development, scientific and technological progress, and improve people's spiritual and material living standards.

therefore, we should encourage hundreds of millions of people to work hard and build our country by publicizing the olympic spirit; by publicizing the spirit of "tenacious struggle and glory for the country" of chinese athletes, we encourage the majority of young people to establish the ambition of loving the motherland and revitalizing china, and strive to create a public opinion atmosphere conducive to the successful hosting of the olympic games. participating in olympic affairs and hosting the olympic games is the sincere wish and long-term pursuit of the chinese people. hosting the olympic games in china, which accounts for one fifth of the world's population, will deepen and popularize the olympic movement and provide a very broad stage for cultural exchanges between the east and the west. the model reference network will also be a new contribution made by the chinese people to the progress and development of human society in the new century.


the worst news about the opening of the olympic games was that many people were not ready in tokyo? half a month later, the olympic games ushered in its own closing ceremony, and the answer was revealed, and it was a negative answer. as a result, people in tokyo were relieved, as were people all over the world.

whether for the chinese olympic sports delegation or hundreds of millions of domestic olympic spectators, this is not only a bad olympic games, but also a wonderful olympic games, because in this olympic games, from chinese athletes to chinese spectators, they show a temperament and a model that they did not have before. this means a new beginning, also means that a new olympic concept is taking shape, and means that we begin to learn to better interpret the olympic spirit.

if only from the olympic medal list, we did fall from the first place in many years to the second place, and some gold medals we should have won were accidentally left behind. but this itself is a part of competitive sports. if the olympic medal list remains unchanged for decades, it will be too boring. what is particularly crucial is that for domestic audiences, their attention to the olympic medal list has become more objective, mature and rational, and they will no longer be complacent or depressed for the sake of temporary gains and losses, which is enough to show their self-confidence as citizens of a large country.

if we launch a questionnaire survey to let netizens choose the most impressive things of the olympic games, we believe that the chinese women's volleyball team led by lang ping, the top 100 model of the "iron hammer" model reference network of that year, will cut through the thorns and thorns and finally climb the highest podium of the olympic games again after 12 years, and will certainly win a lot of votes. but we also have reason to believe that many people will choose the expression package of fu yuanhui, the "famine girl", and the proposal show staged by diving couple qin kai and he zi. this shows that we no longer focus all our attention on competition, focus on winning and losing, and focus on medals, but learn to appreciate and enjoy the olympic games. the olympic games is still the original olympic games, but what it brings us, in addition to being heavy and exciting, began to have more and more relaxed and happy colors.

it has to be said that this is not only the normal performance that citizens of a large sports country should have, but also the performance of cultural self-confidence that a country and nation should have. with regard to the olympic gold medal, subtle changes have taken place in the attitude of the domestic public. from the "more is better" in the previous olympic games to the open discussion of the dialectical relationship between more and less. first, regardless of the outcome of this discussion, it is a rare progress to have an open discussion.

as the competent department of sports, gou zhongwen, director of the state general administration of sports, recently expressed his opposition to the gold medal only theory and the gold medal indifference theory. this is undoubtedly a more objective and neutral attitude. since it is competitive sports, we will not exclude victory, but work hard and move forward bravely in order to win. to this end, the chinese women's volleyball team, which was not optimistic from the beginning of the group match, but went through ups and downs and finally won the championship, is the best proof. but even if we are not the first in the gold medal list and lose the original second, it does not mean that we have failed, because behind the gold medal, there is the rapid development of "national sports" in recent years and the vigorous figure of people active in various sports venues under the "national fitness" activities, which is more proud.


after a year's delay, the tokyo olympics, which is under the slogan "the * * * * party", will open this week. due to the epidemic, the olympic games will be held under the epidemic control measures throughout the course, and the proportion of audience on site will be strictly restricted.

under the background of repeated japanese epidemic, it is difficult for the first olympic games to be postponed to the opening. according to the schedule, the opening ceremony of the tokyo olympic games will be held at 19:00 pm, july 23, 2021, beijing time, at the tokyo olympic stadium.

due to repeated epidemic, tokyo launched the fourth emergency in early july, with a period from july 12 to august 22, which means that the tokyo olympic games, which will be held from july 23 to august 8, will be held under epidemic prevention restrictions. in order to ensure the safety of the tokyo olympic games, at the end of june this year, the organizers officially decided that the number of spectators in tokyo olympic games is within 50% of the number of venues and the maximum number is 10000. the number of games with on-site audience has declined sharply.

the 32nd tokyo olympic games opened the grand opening ceremony of tokyo olympic games in the expectation of the world. the performance lasted for more than an hour was like a drama and a rock concert. the opening ceremony was full of countless elements. cooking smoke in pastoral songs, shakespeare's poems, rock and roll

the most impressive place for me is the opening ceremony: first, the scene of the opening ceremony is very creative. fan wen net has no extremely gorgeous dance in the stadium, nor too gorgeous fireworks. it is a peaceful and peaceful rural scenery. the olympic games will be more beautiful and harmonious in people's eyes. it is reasonable to believe that the tokyo olympic games will be a success, i believe in the sports event full of south american customs and joyous elements.


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